On the Road!

We did it! We packed all our stuff, cleaned up the shop and the house, hitched the BettyMobile to Twyla, and hit the road! I’m sure you’ll be shocked to read that we left a little later than we’d hoped (story of our lives, apparently!), but we *almost* left Virginia today. As I write this, we’re 11 miles north of North Carolina, in South Boston, which is south of … Halifax. **shrug**

Anywho .. it sure has been a full couple of days! Finding the perfect spot for those last little bits of stuff was kind of challenging, especially because the camper is full of new little spots for stuffing stuff! And there were a couple of curveballs on finishing the camper that Matthew had to navigate (but I’ll leave that part of the story for him to tell).

We actually slept out in the camper the last couple of nights, and even though it was a little chilly, we were super-cozy! We’re not camping tonight or tomorrow though … we just want to make tracks, plus the evening lows are in the 30s right now; for both of those reasons we don’t really want to spend a lot of time figuring out how to park, set up camp, make food, stay warm, etc. We’re aiming to get to Oxford, MS by Monday afternoon. I have a long-lost friend living there and I’m super-excited to see her and meet her family.

I’m gonna sign off now and catch some zzzs, but stay tuned for road stories ahead!

Insider’s view!
Ready to roll! Just as soon as we back it out of the driveway …

19 thoughts on “On the Road!”

  1. Not sure if the itinerary or the willingness to confine your living quarters is more ambitious…either way, good for you two and props to Matthew for his persistence! Safe travels, Kayla!

  2. So exciting Kayla! I’m so excited for you! SUPER excited! πŸ˜‰ And I loved your post about your crazy dream. You’re right. . . don’t have to be an expert dream analyzer to know what *that* anxiety dream was all about!

  3. Marvellous Job- incredible. Congrats and Good travels!!! I Wonder if you ever read my News on WhatsApp? Dieter and I are in Vietnam for Four Weeks. πŸ‘β›©οΈπŸ₯’πŸ₯‘πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

    1. Hello dear Eike! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ I haven’t been following news on WhatsApp … I’ll have to check it out. So glad you and Dieter are having adventures too! Sending you hugs!

  4. Look the look and passerby’s will get. Get the part of freezing. We have been in sunny southern CA for 3 days and I am freezing and soaked everyday head to foot. 🫣. Love the indoor lights. Love you and Matthew too.

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