Whidbey + Seattle

Trip Odometer: 7,400

Hi friends! Wow, the past few weeks have flown by! I’m happy to report that we finally found spring in Seattle (beautiful flower/tree blossoms!) and we’ve just arrived at our next housesitting gig near Santa Rosa CA, where the forecast calls for a week of sunshine and mid-70s!

Last weekend we realized we’ve been on the road for 3 months (!!!) so we’re working on a quarterly report. (Because, of course we are!) Stay tuned for that in the days to come.

Also, FYI: we just committed to housesitting in Portland, Oregon for FIVE WEEKS (June 25 – Aug 5)!! PLUS, we’re signing up to participate in the Milwaukie Porchfest on July 21 – the Jet Set Betties will perform a two-hour live show from the driveway of our host’s home! Let us know if you can stop by, we’ll make it a party. (Plus, that day happens to be Matthew’s birthday …)

For now, here are some photos and quick stories about our time in Washington.

Our original plan was to spend only a couple extra days in Seattle after Jon’s events. We thought we’d get back into camping, perhaps explore the Olympic Peninsula, or the WA/OR coastline … HOWEVER (and we were NOT surprised), weather forecasts once again looked miserable. So we decided to stay in Seattle, which was LOVELY on so many levels.

3 thoughts on “Whidbey + Seattle”

  1. Hi you travellers- it‘ s great to read all your activities. It makes me green with envy.
    We have relatives in Seattle aswell. Conny Albrecht and family. In my memory , your Dad, Kayla, met once them there. Keep going and enjoying and in touch.
    Love from Germany, Eike

  2. Dear M & K, Holy OK Tapioca, way to go. I remain in awe and wonder, and glad for the reports and envious, but am happy for you all and Betty too. By the way we all leak a bit now and then.
    Same old here. It appears I will indeed be on the Seabourn Odessey for a bit of the summer.
    Off to Hazel land. Aloha. Safe travels. Jeff b

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