
Friends, we spent 37 days in Portland, Oregon (1). It was nothing that we had planned too far in advance, it just sort of happened, and it was a great thing!

While we were on the road, a teacher couple reached out to us from one of our housesitting sites inviting us to stay in their house while they traveled to Ireland and Turkey with their seven year old son (2). The charges were two classroom guinea pigs (Jerome and Winston) and a street cat they rescued from Turkey named Inci (3).

We hadn’t planned to stay put in one place for so long, but we thought, “it’s summer time, and the out-of-doors could get pretty hot, and hey, Portland sounds like a fun town to really explore!”

Plus we could commit to the McMenemin’s Passport.

There are currently 64 bars, pubs, and/or restaurants that make up the McMenamins empire. It started in Portland, with a brewery and pub in Portland. The enterprise was so successful that in the 1990’s the founders were able to buy and restore a dilapidated “poor farm” from the 1950’s into a hotel, brewery, and concert venue. That led to other historic renovations, and that led to the sprawling map of old theaters, mill sites, churches, and schools that center around Portland but stretch to all corners of Oregon and even into Washington.

So for $35 you can buy a Passport. And then visiting each of the 64 bars, pubs, and/or restaurants will earn you a stamp. And then when you get enough stamps to fill a page, you might get a t-shirt or some free tater-tots or something. And then if you get all the stamps from each of their places, you are invited to a Cosmic Tripster party at one of their hotels in September! How much fun is that?

We have about half of our Passport stamps, so it looks like another extended visit to the Portland area is inevitable.

Another big event of our time in Portland was the Porch Fest, of course, which we detailed in the previous post. It was also FABULOUS to have Kayla’s sister Iris and nephew Jon out to visit for a few days (4). Here are a few photos from our adventures with them:

Besides the big events, though, it was great just to be in one place for a while, getting to know the rhythm of daily life in a vibrant city. We loved Otto’s Sausage Kitchen, and getting ice at Eric’s – nearby convenience store where they are always pumping out dance music on their impressive sound system. We loved jumping on our bikes to get around the neighborhoods, having easy access to the MAX light rail for a quick trip downtown, and being able to walk over to Gino’s in Selwood for a nice dinner out.

On a somber note, one night Inci went out for the night, just as she had for every other night (remember, she’s a Turkish street cat – I think this is what they do) but did not return in the morning. It is likely she ran into trouble with a coyote or owl – they are out there, even in the city. It was a super sad feeling to have that happen, and worse that it was on our watch, but our world-wise teacher couple understood that she was living her best life, and things are ok.

Many MANY thanks to: Jill and Desi for giving us the opportunity to spend this time in their neighborhood; Bill & Poppy for allll the hospitality, music, and sweet friendship; Iris and Jon for coming to visit; cousins Jon & Tenley for taking the time to reconnect with us; college friend Jamie and her sweet John (so many Jons!) for hanging out with us a couple times; and the good people of Milwaukie for being so gosh-darn hospitable! Already looking forward to our return.


(1) Well, really we mostly stayed in *Milwaukie*, which is the next city south of Portland, but the house was a block from the Portland border, so we won’t dwell on technicalities.

(2) They were traveling teachers back before their child, and wanted to take him to their old haunts.

(3) Pronounced “In-Jee” a Turkish word for “pearl”.

(4) Dedicated readers of this blog may recall that just a year ago, Iris was embarking on a very scary journey with Stage 4 endometrial cancer … we are all over-the-moon to report that she responded extremely well to treatments and surgery and is back to work and travel and gardening!

2 thoughts on “Milwaukie/Portland”

  1. Dear K & M, Ahh yet another outstanding report and photos. Thank you. Jeff and Hazel, on the move too. We are currerently sitting in Whittier, after a visit to Talkeetna, first time ever for either of us on a fat bike, no view of Denali, time at a mushing camp for a ride towed by 13 dogs on a four wheeler. Hazel got to help hook them up, pet, and water them. Good stuff. Down to Seward for Sealife Discovery Center, for good stuff, then to Whittier to visit miss Laura, and the Portage wildlife center for lots of critter firsts for Hazel. Home to tomorrw if it goes to plan. Safe travels. Aloha, Jeff B

  2. Great to read about all your activities. And with great Joy I have read about Iris‘ recovery. I am very happy for her. My kindest regards to her. Herzliche Gruesse vom deutschen Teil der Familie!🥰👋

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