A Big Update

Hello from Mathews County, Virginia! We’ve been here 13 days and already experienced temps ranging from 35-78, sunny days, snow showers, wind gusts near 30 mph, and a big boomy thunderstorm. Dynamic! This is where Matthew’s parents live (from April through November), and we’re settling in here for a few months, to spend some good time with them and also to build our teardrop camper.

Mathews County is about 8,500 people living on 86 square miles of land surrounded by the rivers and inlets of the Chesapeake Bay. We’re on Cobbs Creek, which empties into the Piankatank River, which then dumps into the Chesapeake Bay. I realize this map (and the ones that follow) aren’t necessarily the easiest to see here, but maybe it’ll give you some idea of where we are. Richmond is directly west of us, Norfolk is straight south.

The Turner’s dock on Cobbs Creek (and the view from their living room)

Catching Up

It’s been a while since we’ve given a good update, hasn’t it? Believe it or not, our intention here is to frequently post short updates … but since it’s been a couple of months, this one is a bigger read. With photos, of course! However, if you don’t have time for the full stories, here are the headlines:

Jan-Feb: finishing (mostly) projects we started at Iris’ lake house, watching deer roam about, adventures in winter grilling, and building plenty of cozy fires during Michigan winter nights.

Also: Planning the teardrop camper we’ve decided to build from scratch, and applying for jobs — the remote/flexible kind that can keep this dream on the road. (Spoiler: no luck so far. Got any ideas for me?)

Feb 16-18: road trip (on all secondary roads!) across the state to see our dear friend, Ed, while he was visiting his home town of Wyandotte. Stories include a completely delightful lunch in an authentic Polish restaurant, and driving past a house with an unbelievable number of Santa and snowmen lawn ornaments.

Feb 27-March 2: cramming all our stuff into a trailer, tearful goodbyes after such a nice long stint with my sister, and a fun 3-day road trip to Virginia, with two sweet stopovers.

March 3-12: Groundskeeping, area explorations, starting to requisition camper materials, and Kayla’s new job as a bartender!

Read on to find out more —

January & February on Lake Michigan

The slideshow below tells most of the story: these months were mostly spent working on some home-improvement projects for Iris and preparing for the next chapter in our adventure. One big missing link in the whole “live our dream” scenario is income to keep us rolling, and the plan has been that I could get a part-time, flexible, do-it-from-anywhere kind of job, plus maybe Matthew (and I?) could pick up short-term gigs here and there as needed. Well, for the last 6 months, I’ve spent quite a bit of time searching for jobs, tweaking my resume, and writing cover letters, primarily for jobs for which I really felt well-suited (e.g., managing all the logistics for a summer music festival!!! or maintaining a non-profit’s donor database), but still no luck. Disappointing, frustrating, and a bit demoralizing. My current plan is to take a few online classes to build on what I already know about bookkeeping and see if I can get some work that way.

The other big piece of making this semi-nomadic life dream come true is, of course, the camper. After LOTS of research and conversation, we’ve decided that a teardrop camper with an additional sturdy 10×10 canvas tent would suit us well. Furthermore, after looking at lots and lots of used teardrops for sale (at crazy-high prices!), we’ve decided to build our own. I’m sure Matthew will share more details about our design with you soon, and we’ll definitely blog about the building process once that begins!

Road Trip Across Michigan

Ed Ronco has been one of our very dearest friends since 2009 when he moved to Sitka. Ed grew up in Wyandotte, MI, downriver from Detroit. Ed unexpectedly spent 2 weeks in Wyandotte this February, and although it was a terrible circumstance that brought him there (the sudden death of his wonderful father), it gave us the opportunity to drive across the state to see him and his lovely mother, Anne.

Onward to Virginia

On Feb 28, we shoved the last of our stuff into the trailer my dad loaned to us, exchanged big tearful hugs with Iris, and headed off for our next chapter. We made the trip from Glenn, MI to Cobbs Creek, VA in 3 days, with a few perfect stopovers en route: 1) North Manchester, IN – home of the lovely Tina Rieman, who I met in North Manchester on New Year’s Eve 1996 when I was at the home of my college boyfriend who happened to be the brother of Tina’s then-boyfriend. The boyfriends didn’t last, but our friendship sure has! 2) Sweetwater Music in Fort Wayne IN – complete with a mind-blowing tour of their facility and lunch with Matthew’s long-time sales consultant, Chris Ishak. 3) Columbus OH – to visit my awesome niece Emma.

Settling in to Virginia life

Matthew’s parents are still in Florida until the end of March, so we have the place to ourselves. PAR-TAY!! Jim & Tammy, we promise to clean up and move all the furniture back before you get home. ☺️ Just kidding. Mostly. We’ve been doing some good yard work – raking/mulching all the fall leaves – and otherwise just trying to find our way around the winding roads of this area, including a fun day trip around colonial Yorktown-Williamsburg-Jamestown.

Oh, yeah – and I got a job as a bartender! I’ll be working at the Deltaville Tap and Raw Bar, just 14 miles away, across the Piankatank River. I had 4 hours of training last Saturday and then they let me work an 8-hour shift by myself on Sunday. It was a nice steady pace, I met several regulars, and made some pretty good tips! We’re still working out the scheduling, but I think it’ll be a pretty regular weekend gig for me starting in April.

2 thoughts on “A Big Update”

  1. WOW!! I loved the pictures that accompanied the story. All of it just made me miss you more. Loved the Santas in the yard and that you drove by twice. So sorry to hear about Ed’s dad

  2. You lucky dog gone good dogs, you got to spend time with Mr. Ronco, darn, I hope you gave him a pinch for or from me. Shit-o-dear, wow. I read the report cover to cover, it is good reading, with admiral photos, and exciting to see you are doing it. My sense is it will work out and you will get your tear drop and funds will be forthcoming etc. somehow.
    News from here: ole Jeff is looking at another meniscus procedure, this time for his left knee, it is slowing me down – but hauled a bunch of Grind equipment around t day with Charlie, Jeanne, and John. The show ought to be on Grind You Tube at some point. I go to bring Hazel back for a week this Sat, she will help me take tickets at the door and is my spelling bee partner. That is the local news. Aloha, Jeff B

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