Aug 20-25: Sanding, cleaning, tiling, painting

What a week! As of Wed night, the bathroom tile is ready for grout, we’ve primed everything that’s getting painted, and the first coat of paint is done on both bedrooms, the kitchen cabinets, and all the trim. Tomorrow the electrician is coming to replace the panel and fix various outlets, and we plan to finish all the painting. Plus hopefully do some outdoor clean-up and a trip to the dump.

The other night (on the one sunny day we’ve had all month!) we had some friends over for drinks . After taking a look around at our house projects, one of them said, “I thought you were planning to leave at the end of the month but it looks like your plans might have changed?” Ha! Nope, we’re still leaving! Only six days left! In addition to finishing up these house renovations, apparently we’re hosting an informal party on Saturday (!!!), and there’s still plenty of packing/shipping/cleaning to do in our main house. Ay yi yi – what kind of crazy circus is this anyway!?

But seriously, we’re having fun (mostly) and feeling excited in spite of being totally exhausted and occasionally overwhelmed. And we’re truly, deeply grateful to our friends who are feeding us, helping with the project, loaning tools, or just reading this and sending good vibes. THANK YOU!!

9 thoughts on “Aug 20-25: Sanding, cleaning, tiling, painting”

    1. Thanks! I nearly lost my mind doing the tiling, but the ol’ bod is holding up pretty well, actually. A little stiff and sore but not too bad! My biggest malady is a wee bit of carpal tunnel – makes my fingers numb overnight sometimes.

    1. Hahaaa, seriously! I laughed about how people think of long luxurious baths as so relaxing … not my experience this week!

  1. I am overwhelmed by reading the texts and looking at the photos of what you are doing there. Jack of all trades ๐Ÿ‘you both are! ๐Ÿ†Amazing and very impressive.๐Ÿ‘ And last but not least it improved my English that I now might follow a conversation among craftsmen.๐Ÿ˜…If you are ready for relaxing times come on over to Moorende. We will spoil you. Love Eike & Family๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ

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