Fourth Quarter Report

We feel it is important at this point to acknowledge just how late our Quarterly Report filings have been. Yikes. We are deeply indebted to our followers for their grace in allowing us to finally submit these reports now, some (like this one) almost six months overdue.


Our Fourth Quarter has Matthew and Kayla putting the Betty Mobile in the garage and settling in to winter on Lake Michigan, living in Kayla’s sister’s summer house in sweet Glenn. Longtime followers will know that this is where Matthew and Kayla first settled after leaving Sitka, and serves as a kind of home base between our road trips.

Matthew went back to work in the kitchen at Guardian Brewing, but also learned that the owners were putting their business (and all their hard work) for sale to take care of family. Kayla continued her work with On-Ramps, the executive search firm. During this interim, Matthew also secures an interesting job that will have big repercussions for the Betties: as a staffer for the Alaska Legislature. This is an extreme four month commitment, but it will go far to assuring that he is contributing to the Betties financial bottom line for adventures ahead.

On December 18, the Betties traveled to Chicago for two fun nights in the Windy City, then to Sitka for a brief housesitting gig and Christmas with our Sitka family, and January 6 to Juneau to begin a new adventure working for state government.


Way back in March 2023 as we were traveling through Redlands CA we had dinner at a sweet Thai place called Aroi Mak Mak. Matthew took a nice photo and wrote a rave-up review on Yelp. In December he received notice that his review had been read something like 100,000 times. It must be because of the picture:

Miles Traveled This Quarter:

Not Applicable: Sure we did a little traveling around. We explored Kalamazoo, Matthew made endless trips down the road to work at Guardian, and we ventured out for food. In terms of adventure traveling, in December we drove Twyla to Chicago from Glenn for two nights in the Windy City before heading Sitka.

Route Traveled

Overnight Type

Of course no camping this quarter. That small blip in the “Hotels/AirBnB/Rent” column comes from the beginning of our time in Juneau, wherein we rent a room from our friend, which will continue through the next quarter, as Matthew works for the Legislature.


As you can see, our Fourth Quarter was mostly a time of rest between major transitions. Hopefully this lends to some forgiveness for putting off the actual writing of our report. Very shortly we will submit our Fifth and Sixth Quarter reports, and endeavor from here on to submit our reports in a more timely manner. Thank you again for your indulgence.

The first thing you do when returning to Sitka is get a fresh winter king. The best.

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