Fifth Quarter Report

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Another riveting Ways and Means Committee Meeting

Of note on our fifth quarter is that this is the FIRST time that the Betties stayed in a single place for the entire three months of the quarter! Actually, we stayed in Juneau for four months total (that’s the length of the Legislative session) but still within the entire reporting period.


Matthew began his work as session staff to Rep Andrew Gray. It is a job like no other. There is some honor to being a part of the process that runs a state. There are incredibly rich, long days, each one entirely unlike the next. And sometimes there are long days where there is nothing to do but wait to be asked to do something. Matthew hopes to work the session again, and will even commit to two sessions, but he’ll need to get hired by someone first.

Kayla picked up a part time job as bartender and server at a struggling downtown restaurant. Since we left Juneau the business has closed.

Miles Travelled

We had access to a car when we needed it, but mostly we got around on foot. The close proximity of Matthew and Kayla’s places of work to their residence meant most travel was limited to just a few blocks (see below).

Route Travelled

Our primary routes are in pink.

Overnight Type

Lodging for the entirely of this quarter was spent in a rented room from a dear friend in downtown Juneau.


Getting back to living Alaska, even if not to our home town, felt good after being gone for so long. The legislative session thing gives Matthew an opportunity to contribute to family finances, while also freeing him up for being the facilities manager while the Betties are on the road.

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