The Build Is Going To Move a Bit Faster Now…

Some exciting things happened last week, on the same day! We got our trailer, and I got covid*!

*Well, I didn’t get tested. What I got was a five-day illness with flu-like symptoms consistent with the symptoms of the covid pandemic.

So, as agonizing as the wait has been for getting the metal part of the camper manufactured so that the rest can be built on it, I still had to wait until this week to be able-bodied enough to do anything about it. 

We took the trailer to a friend’s shop to get it painted, welded, and tired. I don’t think we could have knocked out the trailer to-do’s without him. So, please raise a glass to Ed Hammond at your next social gathering.

There were a few goofy things that happened during the trailer build. I’ll have another chapter of “Lessons Learned” regarding those pretty soon, but for now, I need to get out there and start building that camper!

3 thoughts on “The Build Is Going To Move a Bit Faster Now…”

  1. Dear M & K, As always wonderful to see how the camper progress is going, sorry to hear of your felling ill. The photos and info were spot on. Sitka is getting plenty of rain if you need any. Thank you. Jeff B

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