All the Pieces Fit

We took some big steps in the past five days! All the cabinets are built and installed, and the sides are now permanently attached. We are on a bit of a time crunch to get the outside road-ready (more on that in an upcoming blog post) so we are saving some of the interior finishing, cabinetry, and painting for later.

The next big steps are: getting the interior roof liner put into place, wiring, and then the exterior skins and paint! We are up for some big challenges figuring out how to bend the roof skins to the teardrop shape. Going to be a big learning curve.

The photos below are grouped by camper component, so some of the pictures are out of sequence from the actual build order, but it is easier to get the idea of what has happened so far.

5 thoughts on “All the Pieces Fit”

  1. OMG!! I am so impressed with the skills you have fine tuned and the ones you have developed. Amazing! Now any problems you might encounter in your travels you willl know what to do, because you built, you know all the systems. Impressive!

  2. Holy macaroni, wow, and a work of art, Michaenlo would be jealous, wow’d me out , and it looks WOWerful!! Congratulation on the build so far.
    Happy haircut too. Aloha, Jeff b

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