Meanwhile, in Michigan: Plan M

Before I dive into today’s update, I just want to take a minute to say THANK YOU for following along, and especially for your comments!! We’re not that great about replying to them (sorry!), but we really appreciate them and definitely feel your encouragement and support. That’s pretty neat-o.

It’s been 13.5 months since we left Sitka, and we’ve had at least a dozen “plans” since then, with variations on what type of trailer we would get, whether or not we would buy or make or remodel it, when we’d be able to hit the road, and where we’d go when we finally have something to pull behind the car and sleep in. Yes, we’re a little disappointed that an entire year has passed and we’re still not living the grand nomadic dream, but you know what? It’s truly fine. This is definitely one of those “it’s about the journey, not the destination” kind of stories. In a lot of ways, we’re still living Plan A: take a break from high-stress jobs, live each day as it comes, and spend meaningful time with family and friends.

That’s exactly what brings us back to Michigan, and “Plan M” going forward. As you may recall, my dear sister Iris is navigating a journey with cancer right now, starting with six rounds of intense chemo which began back in late June. Our family has been taking turns being with her during those chemo rounds, and I feel fortunate that I was able to be with her in mid-Sept for Round 5, and that Matthew and I are back here again for Round 6. Matthew mentioned some deadlines for the trailer in earlier posts: “Plans” K and L were to finish the trailer in time to bring it on one of these journeys to Michigan, and then continue west from here after spending time with Iris. But to the point of goals 1 and 2 above (no high-stress jobs and living each day as it comes) — we realized we didn’t HAVE TO meet that deadline; we can re-route our path in whatever way we need to! Awesome! So, on October 6 we decided to hit “pause” on the trailer. On Oct 7 we cleaned up the trailer work areas, cleared out of the Turners’ basement apartment (in order to accommodate other house guests while we’re away), and stored all of our stuff in the trailer. And on Oct 8, we pointed Twyla toward Grand Rapids, Michigan, taking two days to get here and enjoying an overnight rest in Uniontown, PA.

Most of our recent “Plans” have been oriented around launching our grand adventure from Michigan and heading west from here, hopefully having a visit in the midwest but also making it across the Rockies before winter sets in, and spending Sept-Jan in Colorado, California, and the Southwest. But “Plan” M shakes that up quite a bit. Now we’re thinking we’ll get back to Virginia for the last few days of October, spend a couple/few weeks finishing up the trailer, and then head south before pointing west. We have a date in San Diego in mid-January, so that’s the next real deadline.

If any of you have any tips or advice on traveling across the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona in Nov-Dec (or “must-dos”) please share!

Also, if you could please beam some prayers of strength, courage, and light toward Grand Rapids this week, we’d all appreciate it … we have a big week of truth ahead as Iris gets post-chemo scans this Tuesday and a consult on the 25th to see the effect of the chemo and determine next steps. Also, it’s her birthday next weekend. ๐Ÿ™‚

In the meantime, here are a few photos of time in Michigan: from my visit back in September as well as this last week.

14 thoughts on “Meanwhile, in Michigan: Plan M”

  1. Thank you for a beautiful message. I wish the best for Iris. I imagine what youโ€™ve learned matches what she must be learning.
    Loved the Great Sand Dunes in New Mexico. Can you dry habernos?
    Be well, see you in San Diego.

    1. Thank you, Charlie! We’ll check out the Great Sand Dunes. And YES, we dried a bunch of habaneros and they turned out great!

  2. Dear K & M, Another very good report and full of wisdom and good spirits. Lucky you all to see Mr. Ronco. What the heck is he doing in Michigan?
    Same old here, but warmer rain in the 60s some times.
    I get to go with Hazel to Yosemite to visit with the brother for a few days, starting tomorrow if it goes to plan.
    Sitka Monthly Grind report. In Oct we did another Beatles Grind – SRO. Nov 4th โ€“ Whalefest Grind.
    Safe journeys and have fun. Aloha, Jeff B

    1. Ed lives in Michigan now! He’s working for Interlochen Public Radio and living in Traverse City. Thanks for the updates, sorry to miss the grinds but so glad they’re still happening.

  3. I so much look forward to every update and the great photos. It helps make the distance of time apart seem less so. And impressed by your ability to let go of the rigid supposed have-tos. Such important lessons for all of us.

    We will be in Santa Fe-Albuquerque over dec holidays, then at the new year, head towards Tucson. In March we are headed to Baja for the whales. As the time draws closer let’s figure out our rendezvous points.
    BTW, Will you have Bikes?
    Much love your way!

    1. Becky!!! I felt a big warm hug in this comment. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yes, we will have our bikes and can’t wait to meet up with you somewhere!

  4. Lots of love to you all and Iris – I appreciate your updates and pictures from your journey! ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’— – Kristin

  5. Gosh, those pictures are so vibrant, as is your story! I truly admire your claim on living the journey and so appreciate that you are able to be in Michigan at this point in Iris’ journey.

  6. So much love to Iris and you both. Iโ€™m taking all of the superfood claims (kale, turmeric, chia, hemp, chaga, etc.) rolling them up into a big ball of good health vibes and hurling them to you. Weโ€™re all behind Iris, and whatever plans yโ€™all make in your journey.

    1. Sarah!! You are awesome, thank you for the big ball of good health you hurled our way! Big hugs and lots of love to you.

  7. It’s so wonderful to get these updates from you. Sending lots of strong warm thoughts to you, Iris and the whole family now. How wonderful to be able to update your own plans and expectations as you need to. See you in January I hope! Love, Cleo

    1. Thank you Cleo!! Big hugs and lots of love to you – we are definitely still planning on seeing you in January and very much looking forward to it!

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