On a train, somewhere in PA …

Yep, I’m writing to you today from an Amtrak dining car as we rattle through southern Pennsylvania. Beautiful! We’ve traveled through hours of scenes like this one along the Youghiogheny River, near Ohiopyle:

I’m on my way back to Virginia, after spending three weeks in Michigan and a week in Iowa. Matthew drove back to VA about 10 days ago. It’s been an eventful couple of weeks since our last update! 

First of all, THANK YOU for all the kind words and prayers for Iris. Her scan results showed partial response to the chemo; all of her tumors shrank, and she has the green light for surgery this Thursday (11/10). There were a couple of disappointments in the results, however: her hysterectomy will be an open surgery (as opposed to laparoscopic), and will require a longer recovery period. And, approximately five weeks after her surgery, she’ll start three more rounds of chemo. Your continued prayers for healing, peace, and strength would be much appreciated as she navigates these next hurdles and my family stands by to support her. I have to share one awesome example of healing therapy with you — Iris’ friends made a pinata of a Cancer “face” and Iris beat the s#*t out of it! It was full of Hersey’s hugs & kisses, lavender candles, and mini bottles of gin. And then we had Iris’ favorite: German chocolate (cup)cakes with coconut pecan frosting!

Oh yeah, then – a couple of days later – we set Cancer on fire!

In the meantime, a very special family birthday was coming up: our dad was born on Halloween and his 91st birthday was last Monday! After we got Iris’ scan results and knew what the next steps were going to be in her treatment, we decided it would be good for us to make the trip to Iowa, so Iris and Dad could spend some time together and we could celebrate another year of his life! Our other sister, Ione, was already planning to come down from MN for Dad’s birthday; so we also asked our brother Kevin if maybe he’d like to join us?? Indeed! He bought a last-minute plane ticket from Philadelphia!  

Matthew was eager to get back to work on our camper (and I was eager for that project to continue, also!), so he drove back to VA and Iris and I drove to Storm Lake, where Ione and Kevin joined us for a couple of joyful evenings together. 

In the midst of all this, fate provided me the opportunity to be present for the mournful celebration of my dear high school friend Sarah. After a long journey of navigating life with cancer and treatment trial after treatment trial, she finally found peace the night that Iris and I arrived in Storm Lake. We were able to stay a couple extra days so I could attend the services and mourn with our community of classmates and friends. She really was one of The Best, and I am angry and brokenhearted about losing this wonderful friend of over 30 years. And I’m unbelievably sad for her husband and three amazing sons (ages 16-21). But, if this had to happen, I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to be part of those memorials. 

After all the intensity of this month, I decided to take the train back to VA and spend an entire day just sitting and watching the world go by. Iris and I drove back to Michigan on Friday; Saturday morning I took a train from Benton Harbor to Chicago, and I had 8 hours to kick around Chi-town before boarding the Capitol Limited to DC. I get a couple hours in DC today, then a 2-hour train to Richmond, where Matthew and Twyla will be ready to take me that last leg to Cobbs Creek. I’m looking forward to reuniting with Matthew and helping to get this camper project finished!! 

Here are a few more photos of the last couple of weeks:

3 thoughts on “On a train, somewhere in PA …”

  1. Dear Kayla, Sorry to hear of the heart breaking news, but also some hopeful news too.
    Ahh, when I was in Ohio we used to raft the Youghiogheny, probably did it a dozen times. The first time my first YMCA job, the boss told me to get out on this rock in the middle of the river for a photo, and then … they paddled away. Good trick, of course I used it on future ones. Great river too.
    Whalefest is just winding down, darn good Maritime Grind and good lectures.
    I hae Hazel here for 9 days! Safe travels. Aloha, Jeff B

  2. Life is full of twists and turns, all we can is our best to roll with it and be there for each other. Your timing for your trip could not have been more fortuitous.
    Sending my best from Sarasota. Loved the ringland museum. I can only imagine what Sarasota was like when the circus wintered here in the early twentieth century. Tiny people, giant people, elephants, zebras and multitudes of others beasts, mingling with the locals.

  3. I loved your blog. I loved the information the good, sad, and hopeful. Loved the video. Just love the way you travel. My thoughts and healing energy will continue to be channeled to Iris. Miss you my dear friend

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